Incorporate a Sink into Your Granite Countertops

    sinkongraniteAdding a new sink to a granite counter can give your kitchen a nice boost of style. Still, San Jose, CA homeowners, should be aware of what’s involved in the process before proceeding. Working with granite can be expensive and complicated.

    Ensuring this type of remodeling goes smoothly on the first try is crucial. That might mean hiring the right kitchen plumbing company to help you out. If you want to know how to incorporate a sink into your granite countertops, we’re here to help. The following are some tips you need to know before starting a project.

    Get the Right Sink for Your Kitchen

    matchingsinkBefore starting work, you must find out how much counter space you will have and buy a sink that works for you and your kitchen.

    Any kitchen plumbing components you purchase will have to fit comfortably within your countertop, including space for your faucet.

    A too big sink can result in tricky cuts to the granite slab, while a too small sink may not meet your family’s needs. If you go to a major hardware store, you should find many options regarding size and style. Take your time to buy a sink that’s perfect for your kitchen.

    Each Measurement Must Be Accurate

    rightmeasurementThere’s no room for error when using granite. Homeowners get only one attempt with each cut, which means every measurement you take must be accurate and translated to the counter.

    Even tiny mistakes could ruin the project and cost you a boatload of cash. Be sure the measurements you take are suitable for the type of sink you buy. Top-mounting sinks, which fit atop the granite, must have a hole big enough to fit the sink while allowing the rim to rest snugly on the counter.

    Undermount sinks, which are installed beneath the granite, must fit into openings equal to the size of the sink itself. If your sink doesn’t have built-in slots for taps, you must measure and cut holes for them. Exact measurements result in adequately fitted and functional kitchen plumbing components.

    Call a Technician to Help You Out

    callaplumberWhen embarking on this type of project, we insist you retain the help of a professional. Cutting into granite requires particular tools not made available to the public. Also, if you try installing a sink in granite by yourself, it could be dangerous.

    Certified kitchen plumbing technicians have the equipment and experience to properly outfit your granite countertop with a new sink. Some professionals even offer warranties that cover the replacement of your countertop if any damage is incurred during installation. However, projects such as these are best left in the hands of specialists.